
The Most Common Injuries Caused by Faulty Airbag Sensors

Posted by Artem Martynyuk on

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, over 44,869 lives have been saved by airbags from the time of its invention to the year 2015—which means it’s only saved more lives since! There’s no doubt that airbags have proven themselves essential for reducing the fatalities resulting from vehicular accidents. The years have shown that cars are much safer with one than without one. 

Unfortunately, injuries resulting from airbags are not unheard of. This is typically due to airbags being neglected from maintenance or being used incorrectly. 

Faulty sensors can cause injuries

Faulty sensors can cause an airbag to deploy incorrect, resulting in harm. This can mean a number of severe and immobilizing injuries. Whiplash injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and spinal injuries are just among them. Though exceedingly rare, injuries resulting from airbags are often life-altering and terrible.

What the statistics are saying, however, is that these injuries are often caused by airbags that have deployed incorrectly. Usually, this is associated with malfunctions in the crash sensor, which can result in the following unfortunate incidents:

  • Airbag deployment during driving safely
  • Deploying during a low-impact crash
  • Failure to deploy during a grievous crash
  • Partial deployment
  • Late deployment

The key to an airbag being effective without causing injuries is timing. Even just a delay of a fraction of a second can cause intense injuries, especially since the airbag would deploy too close to the passenger’s head. That makes it of great importance to run diagnostics and take the vehicle in for SRS module repair if need be. 

What injuries can they cause?

Should you neglect the need for SRS module repair, you are increasing the risks of the following injuries:

  • Permanent blindness in one or both eyes. It is not unheard of for the force of the airbag deployment to cause such damage to the eyes, resulting in temporary or permanent blindness. 
  • Broken bones in the chest. Passengers and drivers struck in the chest by airbags can experience tissue damage or even broken bones if the airbags deploy a little too late. 
  • Facial fractures. Some of the more fragile bones in the body are in the face, and the force can break or fracture some of these bones. 
  • Neck and back injuries. Severe misalignments or even spinal fractures and breaks are completely possible in faulty airbags, which would make an accident even worse than it should be.
  • Burns. It might surprise you to know that the speedy deployment of an airbag can cause abrasions, which in turn might end up looking like burns. 
  • Respiratory injuries. The process of deployment often causes a release of chemicals that have been known to irritate the lungs and even cause asthma attacks, which might be exacerbated by the stress of the accident. 
  • Internal injuries. Internal tissue damage and bruising is just one of the possible effects of accidents involving failed SRS modules and sensors. Organ damage is even possible depending on the severity of the impact. 

  • Final thoughts

    Like any machine or tool, your airbag system will encounter problems down the line. As such, it is important to be aware of the ways to maintain it. It is of even greater importance to regularly take your SRS module for repairs to ensure proper and safe deployment of your airbags. 

    If you’re in need of professionals who specialize in SRS module repairs, send us at Repair My SRS a message. We use the latest and most state-of-the-art techniques to keep drivers and passengers safe. 

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