

From the Skies to the Road: A Brief History of the Seat Belt

Posted by Artem Martynyuk on

Today, the law requires us to wear a seat belt while driving, and for a good reason. Seat belts are considered to be the most effective way to save lives in the instance of a vehicular accident.  But it wasn’t always that way. Yes, the streets were less safe back then since seat belts weren’t around yet. But how did we come to have seat belts in every car?  The Invention of the Seat Belt The first-ever seat belt was invented in the later parts of the 19th century by Sir George Cayley. However, this seat belt wasn’t intended for...

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What Parents Should Know About Seat Belt Entanglement

Posted by Artem Martynyuk on

Seat belts guarantee safety for all drivers and passengers. However, in some cases, they can cause grave injuries and worse, the death of younger kids due to entanglement. This is why parents and babysitters must be highly cautious in watching their little ones and maintaining their vehicles safe and hazard-free. Wiser parents and car owners won't let a single defect pass and immediately call for dual-stage seat belt repair services to eliminate safety hazards and avoid potential accidents. Driving kids in your car ride entails sharp vigilance and utmost supervision from adults to avoid every potential safety risk there is...

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Essential Things to Know About Airbags and Car Seat Safety

Posted by Artem Martynyuk on

Airbags are as crucial as car seatbelts. They both protect the driver and passengers in case of a car crash. While seat belts secure the vehicle occupants on their seats, airbags are responsible for providing extra protection to avoid injury. Although airbags can have the credit for saving the lives of adults, their deployment may lead to severe problems for children. That is why users of vehicles like sports cars, trucks, or ordinary cars must consider these effects on car safety and children. The best option to avoid trouble would be to turn off this extra protection when a child...

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3 Types of Airbags That Could Save Your Life

Posted by Artem Martynyuk on

Airbags are a must-have for every vehicle. When it comes to the safety of everyone on the trip, it’s your responsibility as the car owner to ensure that your car’s safety measures are up and running, as failing to do so may result in accidents that may end up hurting you or your passengers severely. Indeed, airbags are a lifesaver by all accounts, which is why you should know more about them to have ample knowledge about their care and maintenance. One of the essential things that you should familiarize yourself with is that there is more than one type...

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What to Do When Your Seat Belts Won’t Retract Properly

Posted by Artem Martynyuk on

Seat belts are a vital part of your car. Aside from your airbags, your seat belt is the only thing keeping you safe in case you are ever involved in an accident. This is why it’s imperative that you ensure that they are always working properly. So what should you do when your seat belt won’t retract? This is a common issue that many car owners experience but have no idea how to fix. Ignoring it isn’t an option, as seat belts that won’t retract will do nothing when it comes to safeguarding your life in case of an accident....

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